
Another Facebook baby bump has gotten me all down in the dumps. I know I shouldn’t but I keep a tally of all my vet school classmates who have children. I do it for a couple reasons. One is I can’t do my high school friends because they aren’t in the same stage of life […]

The Future….

So here I am thinking about the future again. I am of course trying to come up with all the possible negative outcomes. I of course want a family and would want to have a child naturally and biologically ours. Here’s the kicker though. We don’t have the funds for IUI or IVF so if […]

Midnight run

Well I completed another 5K. This one was really hard because I hadn’t ran in over a month. I was slower than last one too (to be expected). Now I am trying to recover because I am extremely sore! I plan on trying to run more often after I recover so the next race won’t […]


So I currently take my temperature everyday and use an app on my phone called Fertility Friend to keep track of my cycles. I mainly do this as a way to see if I ovulate. We are not actively “trying” for kids but we don’t prevent it either. We’ve been on this road for a […]

Delayed…and updates

So I got confirmation from the insurance company that my surgery will be delayed. They have approved it but with the “pre-existing clause” still in place. I’m not sure what that even means besides they won’t cover the whole thing. So I am now waiting until the insurance gets renewed this fall before having surgery […]