A Prayer for the Mother Yet to Be

Oh, God, I know you understand my longing to be a mother. Your very hand that wove together this empty womb intricately created the process by which life would enter it. But I am weary, Lord, because life has not yet come. God, help me to trust in your timing and that you will work […]

2 1/2 months post op

Yesterday I had another doctor appointment. I’m 2 1/2 months post op. I’m down to 230 pounds which is somewhere between college and high school weight. I’ve lost another 3 inches off hips and 2 inches off waist. I got another fill so hopefully I will feel some restrictions when I eat. I have another […]

Feeling hurt…

Everywhere I look there are children and happy little families. I’ve gotten to the point where I can barely stand Facebook due to all the pictures and stories about someone’s child or baby bump photos. I cry when others talk about their children. I cried at church yesterday because the sermon was about hope. The […]