Not there…

Comparison is the thief of joy and I know that….

I feel like this year, turning 39, I’m comparing myself to others a lot more lately. I see other people who are actually YOUNGER than me succeeding more than me. I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything. I’m close to a million dollars in debt with no end in sight. I’ve not done anything. I’ve not seen the world, or can even afford a vacation. I’m just limping along in life going day to day with no successes, no accomplishments, nothing to be proud of.

I know part of my issues is also imposter syndrome. I’m not good enough or smart enough to be an accomplished vet. I’m just good enough to deal with basic pet care and preventative care. I can’t help but feel like I’m not good enough, not done enough, not accomplished ENOUGH.

I’m not where others are in life. How can I be almost 40 and still not be where they are?

I don’t even know how to describe this feeling, this word, this lack of “something” in my life. I’m just not there. It’s not satisfaction because I am satisfied with my life. It’s like self-fulfillment. I don’t know but I do know I feel like I’m not there but others are…

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